Join the Safari! Bible points for each day walk through the story of God’s chosen people, the Israelites, to remind your VBS kids again and again that God is good! On Day 1, your kids will meet “Mack,” the white rhinoceros who, through the story of the Israelites enslaved in Egypt, will help kids remember that God is good even when life is unfair. Day 2 introduces “Hooper,” an African hoopoe bird to share about the plagues and reinforce that, when life is scary, God is good. Day 3 brings the story of the Israelites in the wilderness told by “Marge” the cape buffalo, reminding kids of God’s goodness when life goes through changes. “Zion” the Lion helps kids see that even when they’re sad, God’s goodness is still. Day 4 is connected to the Gospel message of Jesus death and resurrection. Finally, on Day 5, “Savanna” the giraffe stands tall with the message that when life is good, God is good, just as he was when the Israelites built a memorial in the desert. Register online here: https://www.wesharegiving.org/App/Form/e899180c-61fa-4a3d-af1e-30cc454de34f