St Mark's mission statement is "to spread the Good News of Jesus Christ to all God's people by word and action." Habitat for Humanity provides us a great opportunity for "action.” Among the poor are hardworking, deserving families unable to buy a simple, decent affordable house. We partner with Habitat for Humanity San Antonio to help those families get a house and help them build an affordable house for themselves and their families at no interest and no profit. This is not a charity or a handout program. It is a hand up, not a hand out. These families are among the most at risk during this pandemic.
On February 4th, we will begin building our 27th parish-sponsored house. Sponsorship includes raising $57,000 and providing workers on Fridays and Saturdays for the 8-week project. We also need to provide lunches, snacks and refreshments for our workers. WE ALSO NEED YOUR PRAYERS. The pandemic has magnified the crisis in affordable housing in San Antonio.
In this time during the Covid Pandemic, Habitat for Humanity SA is taking great precautions to keep all workers safe. The number of people needed on site Saturdays and Sundays is 25. Lunch will be served in individual portions at our house. Sanitizing stations are at each house. All workers must wear masks while on site even while working outdoors.
This year we are using Habitat for Humanity San Antonio’s Sign up Genius. Please copy and paste this link into your browser to upload the Habitat for Humanity Sign Up Genius page. Check the days you want to work. Scroll to the bottom and click the “SIGN UP” button. https://www.signupgenius.com/go/4090c49a8ab29a5f94-stmark2 to get access. You must sign up a minimum of 10 days prior to the day you wish to work. Habitat needs to keep all houses moving at the same rate so other steps might need to be taken if we are short of volunteers. On each date listed there are two sign ups to volunteer for lunches, snacks, and/or drinks needed. Martha Mundy is our food coordinator for 2022. You can phone her at 210.875.4447.
If you have further questions or want to phone to let us know when you can volunteer, please contact:
Nancy Forget at 210-410-8589 or email at i4get@satx.rr.com
Mike Costello for work day information contact at 210-215-2570 or email at MANDMNTEXAS@SATX.RR.COM
We hope you will join us in this wonderful ministry! The pandemic has not erased this need, but has made it challenging.
Sign up HERE.