In the beginning (about 1986), there was Father Murphy and Lloyd Anders. They did not rest on the first Sunday of the month. This was the genesis of the Hospitality Sunday Ministry. Lloyd kept the Ministry going to the 1990’s. After that Ed Weber continued the Ministry into the new millennium. From there, John and Evelyn Montoya carried on the tradition for several years until passing it to Mike and Virginia Huber in 2006. Currently Claudia and Marco Banda are at the helm of thiis wonderful ministry.
Just like friends get together for coffee and doughnuts, the St. Mark’s Hospitality Sunday Ministry facilitates our faith-loving parishioners in coming together to visit and get to know one another. Hospitality Sunday takes place on the first Sunday of each month (except for holidays) in the community Center (gym) after the 8:00 a.m., 10:00 a.m., and 2:00 p.m. Masses.
The Hospitality Sunday ministers greet and socialize while serving free doughnuts, coffee and juice. Membership is open to parishioners of all ages. The Hospitality Sunday Ministry does not meet on a regular basis and does not require dues. Basically we share and socialize with, serve, and try to make the St. Mark’s community feel at home.
Our volunteers are dwindling and we could use more help even if it’s only twice a year. If you are interested in volunteering at either Mass, please call Marco Banda at bagoma@msn.com or 210-459-5627.