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  • Are you interested in knowing something about the Catholic faith?

  • Do you want to live out the mission of Jesus Christ in community?

  • Do you want to live out this mission as a Catholic and celebrate Baptism, be confirmed in the Holy Spirit and come to the table of the Lord to partake of Christ's Body and Blood?

  • Or are you baptized and want to be confirmed in the Spirit and come to the table of the Lord?

If you answer "yes" to any of these questions, you are invited to the OCIA or the Order of Christian Initiation of Adults. The Order of Christian Initiation of Adults is a process that adults experience in order to come to the Father through Jesus Christ, in the power of the Holy Spirit by celebrating the Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist.

Prior to celebrating these sacraments, this process involves a time of asking questions about the Catholic faith and a time of using the Scriptures based on the readings at the Sunday Mass while reflecting on one's life, seeking to know the Truth and coming to a deeper knowledge and love of God and Jesus Christ in the Holy Spirit in the company of others. It is a structured time of growing deeper in one's relationship with God and turning away from those things and way of life that have prevented this type of relationship. It is a time of having other Catholics, who have been faithful to this search in their own lives, walk the journey with the person who is asking not only questions of the Catholic faith but of themselves.

To signify the progress in growth and to symbolize the journey at various stages along the way, at different times in this process, rites are celebrated in community. Movement through this process is determined on an individual basis.

Contact John Farrell for information at 494-1606 x329

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