St. Mark's is an active pro-life parish. Parishioners participate in the local 40 Days for Life Campaign twice a year - in the spring during Lent and in the fall leading up to election day in November. As part of this program, parishioners commit to pray for an hour of their choice between 7 a.m.-7 p.m. in front of the Planned Parenthood abortion facility on Babcock Rd. Sign-ups are announced in the bulletin and take place after all parish masses on the weekend before the prayer day.
Other pro-life activities include baby showers for needy moms and dads, diaper drives, Holy Hours, and joint activities with the Knights of Columbus including the Silver Rose, Roe v. Wade weekend and Mothers' Day.
Right to Life also participates in and helps promote banquets and other fundraising activities for local pregnancy care centers.
If you have questions about Right to Life or would like to get more involved, please contact Cathy Nix at or (210) 695-8020.