Dear Parishioners of St. Mark Parish,
When I look back on the 32 years that I have spent with you here at St. Mark, it is difficult to separate them one from the other. All of the years can be remembered as one long experience of sharing my priesthood with a loving, spirit-filled generous community. There are so many great memories that we as a community of faith made together. From the most visible extensive ministries and accomplishments to the private and confidential encounters that took place behind closed doors, all were events in our lives of God building his kingdom through our efforts. For these times, I am deeply grateful and appreciative to this community. My life here at St. Mark with all of you brought great happiness and joy to my heart.
I cannot adequately express my gratitude to God and you the people of St. Mark beyond saying “Thank You.”
Serving this community enriched my faith and my priesthood. It gave me the opportunity to do what I love most of all, exercise my pastoral ministry and celebrate the sacraments with you. Everyday I looked forward to coming into the campus. It was a joy to me to come to serve every day.
I am grateful to God for the continued outward expression of faith of the parishioners. Their devotion to the word, sacraments, and to the works of mercy have always been an encouragement to me.

I appreciate and am thankful for the support I received from all our ministries and organizations. For your generosity when celebrating the events of my life, birthdays and Ordination anniversaries. Without people of wisdom and counsel I may have been misguided, thank you to all who were kind enough to guide this parish with me.
The parish of St. Mark is greatly indebted to the shepherds before I came, Father Tom and Father Sean. We are also grateful to the many diocesan and religious order priests who have celebrated Mass for us on the weekends. God’s care for his people is everlasting and the prayers for a new pastor who will shepherd the people of St. Mark will be answered. I will continue to pray for the people of St. Mark and I ask prayers from you for me as I leave this great parish.
God Bless,
Father Kevin