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Where Are You Going?

“I am the way and the truth and the life.”

From this Sunday’s Gospel: John 14:1-12

Do you know that according to the Federal Highway Administration that, as of 2019, Texas had the most total lane miles of any state in our nation? Texas’ 683,533 miles far outdistances the second state with most roadways, California, at 396,540 miles. I was surprised to see lesser populated states like Illinois, Minnesota and Kansas round out the top five with Hawaii at 9,799 miles being the lowest ranked state on that list. There are many miles to travel in our great state and in our country. One road is the most important: the road towards Christ.

We travel roads for various reasons: going to work, visiting family and friends, heading towards a restaurant or sporting event, going on a vacation or even exploring a road never traveled just to discover something new. Today’s Gospel reminds us to travel the road that leads to Jesus. The word “hodos” which means “road” is the direct, Greek translation for the word “way” in the verse listed above. Jesus is calling us to follow him. Hopefully, your car GPS will show many trips for the purpose of worship to St. Mark’s, other churches, and maybe even a retreat center. He also invites us to go on roadways that bring charitable help to those in need by visiting someone in a hospital, a nursing home, a prison or a shelter. We are left with the question: where do I spend my energy and time in my travels? Where am I going? Are my travels directed to my ultimate destination: union with Christ and love of neighbor?

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