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Every member of our parish is challenged to live their Catholic faith to the fullest by reaching out to others and focusing less on self. We are called to share our gifts with the Community so that they may become God's gifts to all. A true disciple has no other choice.



Celebrate the gift of Eucharist every weekend and Holy Day.


Pray together as a
family on a regular basis.


Spend time as a family


Offer at least one hour of service to your church community each week through a ministry of choice


Tithe a proportion of your gross income in your offertory envelope each weekend, recognizing that your earnings are also a gift from God


Dear Family of St. Mark,


“O God, be merciful to me a sinner.” 


In the Gospel from Luke 18:9-14 [from the 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time], we hear the contrast between the prayers of the self-righteous Pharisee and the lowly tax collector. The Pharisee thanks God he does not struggle with the sins of so many others and reminds God that he fasts twice a week and pays tithes on all of his income. Unlike the Pharisee, the tax collector, who belonged to a profession that often overcharged their customers to fatten their own wallets, with humble, downcast eyes, beats his breast and beseeches God’s mercy for his sins. How does this Gospel inform our view of stewardship?


First, stewardship begins by acknowledging that our whole life and the sustenance of our life depends on the goodness of God, our Creator. Secondly, when we choose to tithe a portion of our income, time or talents to the Lord, we are called to do it in a quiet, inconspicuous way. Third, the gifts we give are to be given freely, without expecting praise or honor in return. Seeing the sincerity of our gift, the Lord will reward those with humble hearts.


As your new pastor, I am in awe of the faith and dedication of our parishioners. This is a time of restarting the ministries that may have taken a breather during the pandemic: from Altar Servers to ACTS Core; from prayer groups to expanded hours for Adoration. Your generous pledge is essential for us to have the resources to maintain our facilities and expand our ministries. 


Thank you for your support!


In Christ,


Rev. Dennis D. Aréchiga


We profess that we belong to God and all that we possess is His.

We place our life in God’s loving hands and make Him our treasure

An Act of

​We adore Him as the giver of all good gifts.

An Act of Community

We  unite our offering with the rest of our parish family so that together we might care for the need of one another

An Act of Faith

An Act of Trust​

A thankful portion must be the first portion. Jesus told us to seek first His Kingdom and everything else will be added unto us. When we decide that the first part of our stewardship belongs to God and to His poor, we are making a faith decision. We are trusting that what is life over after we have given God His share will be enough for us and our family.



Our renewal commitment weekend this year took place on November 6 & 7, 2021. To all of you who made your pledge for the coming year, THANK YOU! 

For those who have not had a chance to submit your pledge, it's not too late. Please prayerfully consider how God has blessed your life in time, talent and treasure, and take a few minutes to fill out your commitment card.

If you have any questions about your previous or current commitment, please do not hesitate to let us know.


If you would like to renew you pledge online click here.

Questions? Give us a call at 

(210) 494-1606



I believe that You will always provide me with what I need if I only ask.  

I know that whatever You give me is to be shared with others in my family,  my parish, my community, my country, and the world.


Create in me a spirit of trust so that as I have been given, so will I give.  Help me to use my gifts wisely, always aware You are the source of all blessings.


Grant that I may share my time, talent and treasure in ways that will bring glory to Your Son, Jesus, 
who reigns with you now and forever.


Stewardship prayer


A letter from Archbishop Gustavo Garcia-Siller was recently sent out asking for your gift/pledge to support the ministries of the Archdiocese of San Antonio. Archbishop asks for you to give prayerful consideration to your level of support to help fund the essential ministries and services supported by the Appeal. 

The 2022 Archbishop's Appeal for Ministries campaign goal for  St. Mark is 25% of our registered parishioners to make a gift.  Contributions to the Archbishop's Appeal for Ministries can assure the continued existence of many important programs that help tens of thousands in our Archdiocese each year, including but not limited to the education of our children and seminary and students care of the sick and needy.


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