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Be Hopeful

My Dear People,

Ash Wednesday signals the beginning of Lent February 17 this year. When we receive our ashes, the priest says, “Turn away from sin and believe in the Gospel.” For Catholics, Lent is a time for prayer, fasting, and almsgiving. We spread prayer out over 40 days on a journey that hopefully brings us into a deeper encounter with Christ. Fasting on Ash Wednesday and Good Friday, with meatless Fridays interspersed is the only time many Catholics fast. Assuming fasting as a form of penance turns us away from sin and toward Christ. The third part of Lent is almsgiving. It is not about throwing a few extra dollars in the collection plate; it’s about reaching out to your fellow brothers and sisters in Christ and helping them without question.

In this month’s Winged Lion you will read about how we have adapted how we minister to each other while providing a safe environment to our participants. Soon our staff will share with you changes we are making during the Lent season to keep you safe as you come to worship with us. We have added reconciliation opportunities and additional opportunities to worship together safely. Look for an email from me soon.

I challenge you, during what may prove to be a difficult season, to spend a few minutes during your prayer time each day to read the Gospel as part of your meditation and turn towards the hopefulness of the resurrection of Christ.

Peace to you and your family.

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